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by Joseph Brogan

Explore Our Comprehensive Composting Resource Guide


The Shear Reality of composting and recycling in the us! - "its worse then we thought"

Lack of Composting Facilities:
Colorado, like many states, has a limited number of industrial composting facilities. This means that even when businesses and consumers want to compost, there aren't enough facilities to handle the volume of organic waste we produce. 

Methane Emissions:
When organic waste decomposes anaerobically in landfills, it emits methane—a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a 100-year period. This contributes significantly to climate change., it is a a whole new perspective

Overflowing Landfills:
Consequently, most of our waste ends up in landfills. It's estimated that 50% of landfill space is taken up by organic waste which could be composted. 

Resource Inefficiency:
Traditional single-use restaurant supplies made from paper often rely heavily on wood pulp, contributing to deforestation and requiring significant energy and water to a lifestyle, it is a a whole new perspective

Environmental Leadership:
By switching to our compostable products, you position your business as an environmental leader, setting a precedent for sustainability in the industry.

Waste Reduction:
Even without widespread composting facilities, our products are designed to break down more efficiently in landfill conditions than traditional materials, reducing your environmental footprint.

Customer Appeal:
Consumers are increasingly eco-conscious. They're more likely to patronize businesses that align with their values. Our products can be a key differentiator for your brand..

Regulations on waste and single-use products are tightening. Early adoption of compostable supplies will keep you ahead of the curve and reduce future compliance costs.

Our Solution:
 We offer a line of compostable restaurant supplies made from a mixture of different plant fibers—not just paper. This approach not only reduces the reliance on trees but also makes use of agricultural byproducts that would otherwise go to waste.

Composting Methods

Hot Composting: This method involves creating a large pile of organic materials, such as food scraps, yard waste, and manure. The pile is turned regularly to aerate it and maintain high temperatures, which accelerates the decomposition process. Hot composting can produce compost in as little as 1-3 months.


Cold Composting: Cold composting is a slower process that involves simply piling up organic materials and allowing them to decompose over time without regular turning. While it takes longer, cold composting is less labor-intensive.


Balanced Mix of Greens and Browns: Greens: These are nitrogen-rich materials such as fruit and vegetable scraps, grass clippings, and coffee grounds. Greens provide essential nutrients and moisture to the compost pile. Browns: These are carbon-rich materials such as dry leaves, straw, shredded paper, and cardboard. Browns help create airflow and absorb excess moisture in the compost pile.

Home-Based Methods

Backyard Composting:
Ideal for those with outdoor space; involves piling organic materials to decompose naturally.

Utilizes worms to break down waste; suitable for indoor settings or small outdoor areas.

Bokashi Composting:
A fermentation process using microorganisms; good for quick composting with limited space

Trench Composting:
Involves burying waste in trenches to enrich garden soil directly

Community and Industrial Methods

Industrial Composting:
Large-scale operations processing organic waste from various sources; aimed at community waste reduction.

Static Composting:
A passive approach where materials decompose without turning or mixing. This practice is more common then not

Colorado Composters

ArcGIS - CDPHE Colorado Commercial Composting map - map of all registered composters -list of all registered composters

Western Disposal Compost Site Location: 2655 N. 63rd St, Boulder, CO Method: They offer commercial composting services that may include static pile composting, a method where organic material is piled and left to decompose over time. Contact Page: Western Disposal Contact
Vita Terra Sustainability, LLC
Location: 13946 Morgan County Road 21, Fort Morgan, CO Method: Information on their specific composting methods is not readily available, but they are listed as a registered composter in Colorado. Contact Page:
A1 Organics
Locations: Multiple locations including Eaton, Keenesburg, and Bennett, CO Method: They utilize windrow composting which involves placing the compost in long rows (windrows) and periodically turning it. Contact Page: A1 Organics Contact
Alpine Waste & Recycling
Location: Commerce City, CO Method: Offers organics recycling and composting services, likely using large-scale composting methods suitable for commercial and industrial organic waste. Contact Page:
Purple Bucket Compost:
 Location: Conifer, CO Method: Offers residential and commercial curbside organics collection service as well as a drop-off option. The specific composting method was not detailed in the source. Contact Page: Unfortunately, the contact information isn't provided in the search results. You might find more details on their official website or local directories.
Cherry Creek Recycling and Compost:
 Location: Denver, CO Method: Provides a free food scrap (and recycling) drop-off for Denver residents. The exact composting technique is not specified. Contact Page: Similar to Purple Bucket Compost, the contact details are not available in the search results. Their contact information would likely be available on the City of Denver's official website or through a direct search for Cherry Creek Recycling and Compost.
Compost Colorado:
 Location: Greater Denver area, CO Method: Specializes in curbside food scrap and organics collection. Details about their composting process are not explicitly stated. Contact Page: To find the contact information for Compost Colorado, you may need to visit their official website or perform a specific search for their contact
 Location: Boulder, CO Method: Eco-Cycle is known for its comprehensive recycling and composting services. They may employ various composting methods, including windrow composting at their facility. Contact Page: For contact information, you would need to visit the Eco-Cycle website or search for their contact details directly.
Table to Farm Compost
 Location: Durango, CO Method: This service offers to pick up food scraps from households and businesses to compost. They likely use a method suitable for the volume they collect, such as windrow or static pile composting. Contact Page: You can find their contact information by searching for Table to Farm Compost online or visiting their official website. Scraps Mile High Location:
Denver, CO Method: Scraps Mile High provides a bicycle-powered compost collection service in the Denver area. The specifics of their composting method are not detailed in the search results. Contact Page: To get in touch with Scraps Mile High, you would need to look up their contact details on the internet or check out their website.
Denver Composts
 Location: Denver, CO Method: Part of Denver's solid waste management, this program provides green carts for compostable materials and processes them at a large-scale facility, possibly using windrow composting or other similar methods. Contact Page: For contact details, you would have to visit the Denver government's waste management webpage or conduct a specific search for Denver Composts. details.
Rocky Top Resources
 Location: El Paso County, CO Method: Rocky Top Resources offers a yard waste recycling program that accepts leaves, grass clippings, and tree limbs which are then recycled into mulch and compost. Contact Page: For contact details, you would need to look up Rocky Top Resources online or visit their official website.
Silver Creek Compost
Location: Montrose, CO Method: Specializing in composting cow manure and other organic waste, they produce compost for agricultural use. Contact Page: To reach out to Silver Creek Compost, you can search for their contact information on the internet or through local business directories.
Heartland Biocomposites
Location: Torrington, WY (near the Colorado border) Method: While primarily a manufacturer of composite fencing and decking from recycled materials, they also offer composting services. Contact Page: You can find their contact information by searching for Heartland Biocomposites online or visiting their official website. Renewable Fiber Inc. Location: Multiple locations in Colorado Method: They offer composting services along with a wide range of other services including mulch production and recycling of organics. Contact Page: For more detailed contact information, you would need to conduct a search for Renewable Fiber Inc. or visit their website.



Compost Guide


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